- O que é frustração? Ou, o que é raiva ou amor? Quando eu digo amor, o som sai da minha boca e atinge a orelha de outras pessoas, viaja através desse conduite complexo no cérebro delas, entende, através das suas memórias de amor ou de falta de amor. E eles registram o que estou dizendo e dizem: "Sim, entendemos", mas como eu sei que eles entenderam? Porque palavras são inertes. Elas são apenas símbolos. Elas são mortas. Entende? E uma grande parte de nossa experiência é inatingivel. Uma grande parte do que percebemos não pode ser expressada. É incomunicavel.
What is "frustration"? Or what is "anger" or "love"? When I say "love" the sound comes out of my mouth and hits the other person's ear, travels thorugh this byzantine conduit in their brain, you know, through their memories of love or lack of love. And they register what I'm saying and they say: "Yes, they understand", but how do I know they understand? Because words are inert. They are just symbols. They're dead. You know? And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable.
What is "frustration"? Or what is "anger" or "love"? When I say "love" the sound comes out of my mouth and hits the other person's ear, travels thorugh this byzantine conduit in their brain, you know, through their memories of love or lack of love. And they register what I'm saying and they say: "Yes, they understand", but how do I know they understand? Because words are inert. They are just symbols. They're dead. You know? And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable.
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